Monday, April 23, 2012

Trail run + long run!

This week I managed to run two whole times, aren't you proud of me? ;)  On Wednesday afternoon, The Husband came home and we decided to go on our first-ever trail run.  There are some cool trails out behind the dog park here in town, so we laced up our shoes, sprayed on our sunscreen and bug spray, and hit the trail.

Trail running is a lot different from road running, let me tell you.  The constant ups and downs, concentrating on each footfall to ensure you don't trip and fall, and the rocky, bumpy terrain are more physically and mentally exhausting than running on a regular paved surface.  We only went about 2 miles, but we really enjoyed it!  We saw several other runners out on the trail as well.

Saturday morning we went to Grapevine as usual.  I decided to make this a cutback week and schedule 6 miles.  It was about 45 degrees when we started, which felt pretty good, except my hands were aching from the cold.  Once we got warmed up and into the sun it wasn't so bad, though.

One thing we've really been enjoying on our runs the past few weeks is the scent of honeysuckle.  It seems like it's everywhere this spring, and it makes me smile and breathe deeply every time we pass the vines.  The Husband and I have also been listening to a Pandora station of 90s music during our long runs, which has been pretty entertaining.  For instance, I learned on Saturday that "Waterfalls" by TLC is the perfect tempo for my usual running pace.  Who knew?!  Don't worry, we're being safe - no headphones, just playing through the speaker on The Husband's smartphone.  Hope we're not annoying everyone else on the trails!

Anyway, Saturday's 6 miler was awesome!  I think I'm about due for a crappy long run, but I'm really hoping I get a break during my 10 miler this coming Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for an awesome 6 miler on Saturday! I had my share of crappy runs last week, but my Saturday run was fantastic! Love days like that. Hope you avoid the crappy long run curse. ;-)
