Monday, January 23, 2012

"Long" Run - 1/22/12

So, yesterday was supposed to be a "long run" day. My running partner (aka Husband) and I procrastinated badly, and so ended up doing our long run at about 8PM. We started out with the intention of doing at least 7 miles, but the weather made other plans for us.

We headed out to the local "rail trail", which is a long, paved trail that runs alongside our local commuter train tracks. We parked at one of the train stations (where there were exactly zero other cars), and started off down the trail. The trail is not really lit along the way, so it was pretty dark for the most part. We brought a small flashlight so we could keep an eye out for wildlife (i.e. skunks) that might cause problems for us.

The first mile I was in a horrible mood (because I didn't want to be running). After the 1-mile mark my mood started to lift, and we continued to take advantage of the strong tailwind that had been pushing us. My lower legs and feet were burning (I think I pushed too much during our long run last weekend), so we decided to turn around at the 2-mile mark just so we could be closer to the car if we needed to cut it short.

Miles 3 and 4 were killer. We were facing 20-30mph gusts with constant wind in between, which made it feel at least twice as hard as any other 2 miles we've run in the past. We decided to stop when we got back to the car (at four miles) because the wind was just exhausting. I still need to check my Garmin to see what my average heart rate was... but it didn't feel that high for the most part. It was really just my legs/feet that were holding me back, which is a total 180* from where I was 2 years ago. Yay for cardio endurance!

Run Stats:
3.94 Total Miles
57:02 Total Time
14:29 Average Pace

Tonight we're scheduled to do an easy 2-miler, so check back tomorrow to hear a bit about that!

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